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April 2024

Automated parking violation detection introduced in Zolotonosha

Automated parking violation detection system was launched in test mode in accordance with the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded between Zolotonosha City Council and LLC “UNIP UKRAINE”. According to the terms of the memorandum, the Municipal Inspectorate of Zolotonosha was provided with tablets and specialized “Inspector” software that enables recording of violations of stopping and parking rules under applicable Ukrainian legislation. This solution will ensure high efficiency of inspectors' work.

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February 2024

Introduction of parking enforcement in Kamianets-Podilskyi

Parking enforcement department has been created to enforce stopping and parking regulations, as well as to monitor parking payments in Kamianets-Podilskyi.In the first three days of operation, inspectors detected and recorded about 300 violations. The largest number of violations has been detected in the city center and near the markets.

As of now, inspectors are carrying out an information campaign among drivers to raise awareness of the implications of violations of parking rules, but there plans to start issuing fines for respective violations soon.
Effective enforcement of stopping and parking rules will allow the city to reduce the number of violations, improve driver discipline and increase road safety.

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December 2023

5 years of effective enforcement of parking rules by Lviv's parking inspectors

The rapid growth of parking development in Lviv is the key to the success of the joint work of the city and the UNIP company to implement a comprehensive solution for enforcement of parking and stopping rules and parking payments.

The high level of organization of the work of parking inspectors and the high-tech solution have been showing significant effective results for the fifth year in comparison with other cities.

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November 2023

New parking payment methods implemented in Ternopil

A new parking payment method has been implemented across 11 parking lots in Tepnopil. From now on, drivers can pay for parking in "e-Ternopil" app. Drivers will also soon be able to pay for parking through payment terminals. All means of parking payment and all relevant parking data (tariffs, operating hours, payment transaction information) are consolidated into a single Automated parking payment system (ASKOP) powered by UNIP central parking platform. Municipal parking inspectors will be identifying non-payers for parking using specialized hardware and software integrated with ASKOP.

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September 2023

Control of parking and stopping rules in the city of Khust

The Khust municipal guard has extended their scope of responsibilities and are now carrying out parking enforcement functions, namely: detection of violations of parking and stopping rules aiming to ensure safety and comfort of city residents. The duties of officials - employees of the municipal guard include detecting violations and issuing fines for violation of parking and stopping rules without the presence of the driver in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation. Enforcement equipment and software has been implemented by LLC “UNIP UKRAINE”.

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July 2023

Plans for the implementation of parking enforcement in Bilgorod-Dnistrovsky

Bilgorod-Dnistrovsky is planning to introduce a municipal parking enforcement system. As part of the memorandum of cooperation concluded between the Bilgorod-Dnistrovsky City Council and LLC “UNIP UKRAINE”, the city will commence systematic enforcement of stopping and parking rules to tackle the issue of illegal parking. The enforcement function is entrusted to the Department of urban amenities as part of the Department of Housing, Communal Services and Capital Construction of the Bilgorod-Dnіstrovsky City Council. This department is set out to take administrative action against parking offenders using modern equipment and software from LLC “UNIP UKRAINE” with automated access to state registers.

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April 2023

Cooperation of LLC "UNIP UKRAINE" with ME "Servis Parkuvannya" - the municipal parking operator of Ivano-Frankivsk

The Ivano-Frankivsk City Council designated the municipal enterprise "Servis parkuvannya" as the parking operator of almost 30 municipal paid parking lots. The following parking payment methods are made available for the convenience of drivers: UNIP mobile app, Easy Pay payment terminals and QR-code payments via UNIP web page. All of these parking payment methods have been integrated into a single system based on the central parking platform by LLC “UNIP UKRAINE”. Such centralization of parking payments and billing information is necessary to enable the enforcement of stopping and parking rules by parking enforcement officers whose software is integrated with the aforementioned parking payment and billing system.

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April 2023

Enforcement of stopping and parking rules in Bila Tserkva

On April 20, a press conference was held by the deputy mayor of Bila Tserkva, Anatoly Kravets, regarding the creation of the parking control department, the duties of parking enforcement officers and penalties for violations of stopping and parking rules. The city is introducing a new system for the enforcement of stopping and parking rules. It will be preceded by a public awareness campaign to emphasize the consequences of illegal parking and its negative impact on each and every city resident. Parking enforcement officers in Bila Tserkva will be responsible for the detection of violations and issuance of parking fines with the use of software and hardware supplied by LLC «UNIP UKRAINE». 100% of all parking fines will be paid directly to the city’s budget.

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April 2023

Parking inspectors are set to commence operations in Boryspil

Parking enforcement in Boryspil will be carried out by a separate department within the structure of the executive committee of Boryspil city council. According to information from the head of the parking department, inspectors will carry out daily inspections on predetermined routes, record all violations and form appropriate evidence bases for violations in order to then issue parking fines. Each inspector will be provided with the necessary equipment and software to perform his duties. The software supplier will be LLC «UNIP UKRAINE» as the winner of the respective tender procedures.

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February 2023

Memorandum on the implementation of an Automated Parking Payment System in Ternopil

LLC "UNIP UKRAINE" and the Executive Committee of the Ternopil City Council signed a memorandum of cooperation regarding the implementation of ASKOP (Automated Parking Payment System). Within the framework of this document, LLC «UNIP UKRAINE» will consult and provide informational support to the city with regard to the planning of an efficient and effective parking system.

We are confident that cooperation in accordance with this memorandum will contribute to the creation of a parking environment in Ternopil that will meet the needs of guests and residents of the city, while taking into account the priorities of the city, namely: increasing the safety of all road users and increasing the speed of public transport.

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November 2022

Provision of technical solutions to the parking sector of the city of Truskavets

The parking sector has started operating in Truskavets, the main purpose of which is to reduce the number of stopping and parking offences in the city. Inspectors’ responsibilities include detection of parking violations and issuance of fines for these violations. The execution of these tasks assigned to the inspectors is made possible thanks to the technical solutions provided by UNIP UKRAINE LLC, primarily: specialized tablets, portable printers and software for detection of violations, creation of photographic evidence, as well as for issuance of respective administrative fines.

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April 2022

Paid parking in Drohobych with UNIP

Easy and convenient payment for parking has been introduced in Drohobych at the end of April on four parking lots with capacity to accommodate 122 vehicles. City residents and guests can now pay for parking using bank cards via UNIP mobile application as well as in cash through City24 payment terminals installed on the parking lots.

The parking payment system is implemented based on the UNIP platform and is integrated with the parking inspection system for effective identification of offenders who do not pay for parking.

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December 2021

Parking inspectorate starts enforcement of parking rules in Sambir

To solve the problem of violation of parking rules in the city of Sambir, a parking control department was created. The priority task of Sambir parking inspectors will be to reduce the number of illegally-parked vehicles, especially in the central part of the city, where a large number of parking violations are detected that cause congestion and inconvenience to other road users.

Thanks to cooperation with LLC "Parking Culture" and the introduction of solutions for automation of enforcement of stopping and parking rules by UNIP, the city's road safety will be significantly improved.

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December 2021

Implementation of ASKOP in Lviv using UNIP solutions

In December 2021, an automated parking payment control system (ASKOP) was introduced in Lviv based on software solutions by UNIP. This system allows online monitoring of parking payments and semi-automatic enforcement of stopping and parking rules. As part of ASKOP implementation, 20 hardware and software suites have been set up for parking inspectors of the security department of the Lviv City Council for the purpose of detection of parking violations and enforcement of stopping and parking rules.

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November 2021

Implementation of UNIP solutions for automation of parking enforcement in Ivano-Frankivsk

The Ivano-Frankivsk Parking Inspectorate is starting to carry out their duties with new equipment and specialized software by UNIP, which is expected to significantly increase the inspectors' efficiency and allow the city to monitor parking payments in real-time using UNIP technology.

According to Petro Demyaniv, head of the Department of Parking Inspectors of the Department of Transport and Communications, previously inspectors had to document and process all violations manually. Now, he said, that job has become easier thanks to new equipment and enforcement software from UNIP.

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October 2021

Launch of paid parking in Khmelnytskyi

The first municipal paid parking lot with capacity to accommodate 130 vehicles was launched in Khmelnytskyi on Lvivske Highway. City residents and guests can pay for parking using bank cards via UNIP mobile application and City24 web page as well as by cash through City24 payment terminals installed on the parking lot.

The parking payment system is implemented on the basis of the UNIP platform and is integrated with the parking inspection system for effective identification of offenders who do not pay for parking.

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October 2021

Parking inspection operates at Boryspil International Airport

Boryspil International Airport, together with the Hora Village Council, launched a parking inspection.

Over the past year, parking inspectors have been carrying out explanatory work with the drivers. Since the beginning of September, inspectors have switched from explanatory work to issuing administrative penalty notices for violation of parking and stopping rules in accordance with the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses.

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October 2021

Automation of parking enforcement in Khmelnytskyi

Starting from September 1st, Khmelnytskyi parking inspectors have been actively detecting violators of parking and traffic rules and issuing respective administrative fines to restore order on the city streets.

Modern certified complexes for photofixation of violations from UNIP, together with specialized software for automating the issuance of administrative penalty notices, will help Khmelnytskyi inspectors demonstrate high results in enforcement of monitoring stopping and parking rules.

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September 2021

Introduction of a parking inspectorate in Stryi

In the second half of 2021, a department of parking inspectors was established as part of the Department of management of housing and communal services of the Stryi City Council. According to the results of tenders, in September of 2021, a parking control system based on technical solutions from UNIP was introduced in the city of Stryi. These solutions allow parking inspectors to effectively detect violations of parking rules, as well as issue parking tickets and collect fines as means of improving road safety.

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August 2021

Municipal paid parking implemented in Stryi

According to the results of the municipal competition, ME "Rynok" was chosen as the parking operator. From now on ME “Rynok” will oversee management of municipal parking lots and collection of parking payments.

Two parking payment options are made available on municipal parking lots: through payment kiosks or UNIP mobile app. All payment processing and billing will be carried out by UNIP parking platform.
In addition to hourly payment at the rate of UAH 10/hour, the municipality also introduced parking subscriptions. They will be beneficial for those drivers who park their cars daily and for long periods of time.

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August 2021

UNIP has implemented a parking inspection solution in Ternopil

Thanks to UNIP, the city of Ternopil is introducing new effective technological solutions for effective enforcement of parking and stopping rules and detection of violations.

Now parking inspectors of Ternopil can detect parking and stopping violations using certified equipment with specialized software, as well as issue administrative penalties for respective violations in an automatic mode.

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August 2021

Parking enforcement system implemented in Zhytomyr

Zhytomyr has introduced a new system for enforcement of stopping and parking rules and detection of offenders. Since June, parking inspectors of the city council municipal inspection have been working on the streets of the city, equipped with certified "Inspector" complexes from UNIP. Administrative penalty for violations of stopping and parking rules are issued by inspectors using a specialized software solution that in an automatic mode.

During their work, the parking inspectors of Zhytomyr have detected more than 4000 stopping and parking offences.

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July 2021

Vinnytsia parking inspection extends cooperation with UNIP

The Department of Energy, Transport and Communications of Vinnytsia City Council extends cooperation with UNIP in terms of equipping parking inspectors with modern enforcement software to detect violations of stopping and parking rules.

On July 8, 2021, UNIP was announced as the winner of the tender for the supply of licenses to use the abovementioned software, thanks to which Vinnytsia parking inspectors will continue to ensure effective detection of parking violations and restore order on the city's roads.

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On June 7, 2021, the Executive Committee of the Khmelnytskyi City Council approved the results of the competitive tender for the implementation of an automated parking payment system and UNIP has been announced as its winner.

In August of 2021 UNIP will launch parking payment collection on municipal parking lots in Khmelnytskyi by means of mobile app and payment terminals, as well as introduce a central billing and parking management system for the city’s parking operator.

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UNIP will implement ASKOP in Khmelnytskyi

July 2021

Parking occupancy forecast is launched for the first time in Ukraine

Traffic-based trip planning has become commonplace for drivers. However, the time we spend looking for parking can seriously affect our plans.

The unique UNIP algorithm determines the occupancy of each parking lot, with the consideration of all accumulated data. With the new functionality of forecasting and displaying the current parking occupancy, your trip becomes more comfortable. If the color indicator on the icon in the UNIP application is green, then the parking is free, the orange indicator means that there is still limited space, red means that there are no free spaces.

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May 2021

Development of parking technologies in Khmelnytskyi

Khmelnitskyi is an administrative center in the western part of Ukraine with a population of 270 thousand people. The city is developing, improving it’s transport infrastructure and thanks to the efforts of "Kultura Parkuvannya" has received the most modern parking enforcement system.

As a result of the tender in March 2021, the company entered into an agreement with the Transport and Communications Department of the Khmelnytsky City Administration for the supply of UNIP Inspector software and hardware systems to ensure the proper operation of the city parking inspection.

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May 2021

Operation of UNIP “Inspector” system in Vinnytsia

Since the end of 2019, Vinnytsia parking inspectors have been actively participating in restoring order on the city streets and improving the discipline of drivers using a software and technical solution from UNIP.

Thanks to the certified UNIP "Inspector" system, violations are detected automatically without the presence of the driver, thereby ensuring the efficient operation of the parking inspection and allowing to take administrative action against the the maximum number of violators.

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May 2021

Paid parking resumes operation in Kyiv starting May 5th

On May 5th Kyiv resumed paid parking on all municipal parking lots due to easing of quarantine restrictions, as reported by ME “Kyivtransparkservis”.

Avoid fines and unnecessary stress by using UNIP app to pay for parking and minimize your contacts with cash and payment terminals in the midst of the pandemic.

Stay safe and park without problems!

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October 2018

Ivano-Frankivsk joined UNIP service

City of Ivano-Frankivsk has joined UNIP service of mobile parking. There are 680 parking spaces for 230 thousand citizens and more then 50 thousand cars in the city. Parking operator plans to increase the number of on-street parking lots to 1500 within 2019.

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September 2018

Strategic partnership with VISA Checkout

Mobile wallet Visa Checkout and UNIP have signed an agreement on co-operation in the field of mobile parking payments. Very soon owners of VISA credit cards when paying their parking with VISA cards in UNIP Application will get a discount for the first parking hour.

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June 2018

UNIP turned on mobile parking service in Lviv

UNIP reported one of the biggest city in Ukraine Lviv had started using UNIP solution for mobile parking payment collection. The detailed parking map of the city with more then 1000 parking lots are available for Lviv drivers in their mobile phones. City plans to increase its parking facilities to 3000 parking spaces within next year.

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May 2018

UNIP smart city solution on VIVA Tech Paris

UNIP participated on the World’s Rendezvous for Start-ups and Investors VIVA Tech Fare in Paris. VIVA hosts under one roof more ten 9000 innovative projects from 125 countries of the world attracting more then 100 000 visitors. In co-operation with Swiss Global Enterprise UNIP presented innovative digital solution for Smart City Mobility.

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August 2017

UNIP launched mobile parking project in Kiev

UNIP started mobile parking project in Ukraine in its main city Kiev. From now on motorists can enjoy digital city parking map, navigation service, remote control and convenient mobile payment option offered by user-friendly UNIP Application. In 2007 Kiev became the first city in Ukraine in 2007 that proposed drivers mobile parking payment solution by both SMS and mobile application.

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