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Our Mission


We develop Mobility Operating System, SaaS (software as a service) Platforms, Smart & Safe city solutions, based on process-oriented event-driven transaction systems with technologically open architecture. We aim to make any city fully digital in the shortest time.

How we started

UNIP history started in 2014, when our software team launched a project on mobile parking application for drivers aiming to make parking more comfortable and accessible as well as searching for vacant space more effective. Later mobile application has been transformed into full-scale cloud-based UNIP Platform that solves major mobility tasks.

All about UNIP



Automated parking violation detection system was launched in test mode in accordance with the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded between Zolotonosha City Council and LLC “UNIP UKRAINE”. According to the terms of the memorandum, the Municipal Inspectorate of Zolotonosha was provided with tablets and specialized “Inspector” software that enables recording of violations of stopping and parking rules under applicable Ukrainian legislation. This solution will ensure high efficiency of inspectors' work.

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Parking enforcement department has been created to enforce stopping and parking regulations, as well as to monitor parking payments in Kamianets-Podilskyi.In the first three days of operation, inspectors detected and recorded about 300 violations. The largest number of violations has been detected in the city center and near the markets.

As of now, inspectors are carrying out an information campaign among drivers to raise awareness of the implications of violations of parking rules, but there plans to start issuing fines for respective violations soon.
Effective enforcement of stopping and parking rules will allow the city to reduce the number of violations, improve driver discipline and increase road safety.

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The rapid growth of parking development in Lviv is the key to the success of the joint work of the city and the UNIP company to implement a comprehensive solution for enforcement of parking and stopping rules and parking payments.

The high level of organization of the work of parking inspectors and the high-tech solution have been showing significant effective results for the fifth year in comparison with other cities.

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A new parking payment method has been implemented across 11 parking lots in Tepnopil. From now on, drivers can pay for parking in "e-Ternopil" app. Drivers will also soon be able to pay for parking through payment terminals. All means of parking payment and all relevant parking data (tariffs, operating hours, payment transaction information) are consolidated into a single Automated parking payment system (ASKOP) powered by UNIP central parking platform. Municipal parking inspectors will be identifying non-payers for parking using specialized hardware and software integrated with ASKOP.

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Automated parking violation detection introduced in Zolotonosha

Introduction of parking enforcement in Kamianets-Podilskyi

5 years of effective enforcement of parking rules by Lviv's parking inspectors

New parking payment methods implemented in Ternopil

We work with

Our partners

Ivano - Frankivsk
Odessa international airport
LLC "Kultura Parkuvannya"