in ends every every in begins and and begins car trip a every car trip trip a every a ends in a car in begins car car and space space and ends space a parking begins parking parking parking trip and trip begins every ends trip parking begins ends space in ends
begins a and trip trip car begins in ends ends in every in parking in ends space parking parking and car begins in space a car parking and every car space a trip and begins car a trip begins ends every every space a trip ends and every trip begins ends parking
parking car begins trip ends car trip car in car ends in begins parking begins ends space a in in a trip space begins every trip in trip every parking parking and every a ends car parking and a begins and space every and ends every begins space a and trip ends
begins every space car parking in every every in ends in every begins begins and trip car parking every trip in ends ends and and ends ends trip space begins trip a begins space a car car space a in begins and car parking trip a ends parking and a parking trip
Private operators

Private operators

UNIP helps private parking operators achieve a more efficient occupancy rate, leading to increased revenues and improvements in service to raise customer loyalty as a result. Short video here:
what & why

What is important about private parking?

The main goal of any driver is to find vacant parking space in the shortest time. The drivers give preference to on-street parking rather then to off-street garages.

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UNIP helps to make your parking more attractive and preferable!
In order to build up the right strategy we will analyse the prices on nearby on-street and off-street parking locations as well as their occuppancy.
Using our Algorithm we will calculate the Right Price for you that will lead to the increased occupancy of your parking.

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Why do you need UNIP?


Right Price

In order to build up the right strategy we will analyse the prices on nearby on-street and off-street parking locations as well as their occuppancy. Using our Algorithm we will calculate the Right Price for you that will lead to the increased occupancy of your parking.

In order to achieve the best possible result and to respond the changing demand the Right Price may vary depending the time of a day, day of a week or any event, the means the Right Price may be dynamic.

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Better service — higher loyalty

By raising parking service quality you can get more customers. Improve your service by convenient mobile payment, reservation service, advanced navigation, automatic notification on service costs or promotions.

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Management and control

Once your parking assets are integrated into our platform, you gain access to your parking data and the ability to manage all business processes at any time from anywhere in the world.

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API integration

UNIP allows to consolidate all available on your parking facilities smart equipment like parking meters, garage gates, sensors, video cameras, digital signage, EV charges.

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Technological advantages

Various access solutions like RFID, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), QR code or Barcode recognition are offered by UNIP.

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Right Price

Better service — higher loyalty

Management and control

API integration

Technological advantages


Right Price

In order to build up the right strategy we will analyse the prices on nearby on-street and off-street parking locations as well as their occuppancy. Using our Algorithm we will calculate the Right Price for you that will lead to the increased occupancy of your parking.

In order to achieve the best possible result and to respond the changing demand the Right Price may vary depending the time of a day, day of a week or any event, the means the Right Price may be dynamic.

Better service — higher loyalty

By raising parking service quality you can get more customers. Improve your service by convenient mobile payment, reservation service, advanced navigation, automatic notification on service costs or promotions.

Management and control

Once your parking assets are integrated into our platform, you gain access to your parking data and the ability to manage all business processes at any time from anywhere in the world.

API integration

UNIP allows to consolidate all available on your parking facilities smart equipment like parking meters, garage gates, sensors, video cameras, digital signage, EV charges.

Technological advantages

Various access solutions like RFID, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), QR code or Barcode recognition are offered by UNIP.

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